There have been some super bugs going around town. If it’s been through your home, have you disinfected your home yet?
Below are a few tips to help you de-bug your house if cold and flu season has affected your family. While an overall thorough cleaning is likely in order, these “short-cut” tips will help you get started.
Open Windows
While the weather is still decent, open the windows and let the air flow through! If you can get a cross-breeze going by opening windows opposite each other, this will help push the air through faster. Just airing out the house can do wonders for your sense of health. Of course take precautions since it is allergy season. Fresh air smells great and will help clear out lingering germs.
Clorox Wipes
These make it easy to grab and go through the house wiping down frequently touched areas. Things to focus on include door handles, light switches, faucet handles, toilet handles, toilet lids & seats, bathroom counters, etc. Obviously these are meant for hard, durable surfaces so don’t use on delicate surfaces such as wood. Clorox wipes also work well and plastic toys that kids may have handled while sick.
One thing we sometimes forget is to replace or sterilize toothbrushes after you’ve been sick. If possible, it’s best to just replace the brushes. However, if they are newer, you can soak them in antibacterial mouthwash or alcohol for a few minutes to disinfect them. Rinse thoroughly after soaking.
Clean Sheets
Make sure to change the sheets on the bed and wash the mattress pad as well. You could even vacuum the top of the mattress if you’re up for the task. A good night’s sleep in a healthy setting is a key component to kicking a cold or flu.
It’s out with the sick and in with the well! If you need help cleaning your home after a round of illness, just request an estimate! We’re happy to help!