Dirty grout can make even the best tile look dingy and dated. It’s amazing what clean grout can do to brighten up your floors.
We normally recommend a chemical, commercial strength cleaner. However, in the case of higher end stones such as travertine, you’ll want to review the best options for your type of tile to avoid any damage to the tile itself. Natural stones are more porous and can easily absorb the chemicals which you want to avoid. Doing some research to ensure you select the right type of product for your floor type is critical.
Once you’ve determined the product that is right for you and are ready to get started, just follow the steps below for clean, sparkling floors that look like new.
1. Clean the Surface
Make sure you start with a clean surface. Most grout cleaners will draw out dirt from whatever they are applied to. For the most effective results and the least mess to clean up, it’s a good idea to start with as clean a surface as possible.
2. Safety First
The grout itself is dirty and likely has bacteria in it and many cleaners can have strong odors. Make sure you’re prepared with rubber gloves, protective eye wear to prevent splashes from getting in your eyes, an open window if your selected cleaner contains strong chemicals, and possibly a surgeon’s mask as well to protect your lungs. These are even more important if you are working in a small area such as a bathroom or shower.
3. Apply the Grout Cleaner
Of course you’ll want to follow the directions on your selected grout cleaner. If using one of the more common ones, you’ll want to carefully apply to the grout only and try to avoid getting significant amounts on the tile itself. A toothbrush or scrub brush can come in handy. Most grout cleaners act quickly and only need to sit on the grout a few minutes. You want to avoid it dissolving the grout so monitor closely and don’t let it sit very long.
4. Scrub Grout
Using a soft bristle toothbrush or scrub bush, scrub the grout area gently to help remove the dirt. Have a clean rag and bucket of water handy so you can wipe up as you go, changing the water as needed.
5. Final Wipe Down
The hard part is over. Now you just need to do a final wipe down with a damp cloth to make sure you have cleaned up all the grout cleaner and any remaining dirt is cleaned up. Your floors should look amazingly clean!
Additional Tips
In the case of some tiles, you can apply a sealant to help protect the tile and keep the grout clean. However, you’ll want to check with the manufacturer of your particular tile as after market sealants can void tile warranties in some cases.
Lastly, if you have a large tile area, or it seems like a bigger project than you have time to take on, you can hire a professional grout cleaner. It’s not as inexpensive as doing it yourself, but it will save you time and energy. Two providers that we recommend are below:
Doctor Steamer, LLC Bill Mayer 623-581-1157
Cornerstone Carpet Care Ed Krutel 602-843-2600