Front load washers are a great technology, but can often have issues with mildew smell. To keep your appliance investment in great shape, functioning properly and smelling clean, try the tips below.
Use HE laundry detergent
It’s important to use High Efficiency (HE) detergent in your front-load washer. Using non-HE detergent will cause suds, and suds leave behind residue inside your machine. Using more laundry detergent than recommended can also leave behind residue.
Liquid fabric softener can also cause residue build up. Using fabric softener sheets in the dryer is a safer way to get clothes soft and static-free while eliminating washing machine issues from fabric softener.
Wash in hot water
Washing in cold water saves money and energy. However, cold water doesn’t kill bacteria, and it leaves behind more residue than hot water washes. Run your last load of the day, even if it’s an empty load, using the hot water wash setting.
To make sure the bacteria in your front-load washer is gone, run three-quarters of a cup of regular bleach through your empty washer on a normal cycle with hot water one time per month.
Cleaning a Front-Load Washer:
- Pour two cups of distilled vinegar into the detergent dispenser. Run washer on the clean or normal cycle using hot water.
- Once cycle is complete, gently clean the inside tub, rubber boot seal, detergent dispenser and inner door with a clean rag and a mixture of half distilled vinegar and half hot water. Repeat this step using a new clean rag and hot water only. Several products are available in stores specifically for cleaning front load washers so you can test a few different options to see what works best for you.
- Run the washer a second time on the same cycle with hot water only.
- Once complete, leave the washer door open for several hours so it can air out.
Following these tips can help prevent mildew in a front load washer and will minimize an existing musty smell in the washer.
Regardless of the type of washing machine you have, remember to check pockets for unusual objects that may damage the washer and avoid over-loading the machine.
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