With around 25 million of the population suffering from asthma, the condition continues to be regarded as a public health concern in the U.S., according to the Center for Disease Control.
In fact, the center reported that around 17.7 million adults suffered from asthma in 2014. Meanwhile, during the same year, around 6.3 million children suffered from the condition.
Individuals with asthma exhibit symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and breathing problems when exposed to allergens within the immediate environment. Aside from external factors, there are indoor agents that could trigger the condition including mold, dust mites, and pet dander.While asthma impacts the quality of life of the individual, there are ways to control the condition. One way to prevent asthma attacks is to determine the environmental triggers and know the first signs of attack.
If furry pets are suspected to be the cause of an asthma episode, a way to prevent the accumulation of dander is to vacuum regularly. Bathing one’s pet could also help shed hair and dander faster. If dust mites are the suspected culprit behind the attacks, identify where the colony is nesting and change all affected beddings, pillows, comforters and mattresses. When purchasing new beddings and pillows, look for the hypoallergenic label and avoid products with down, feathers or foam. Look for other allergen free synthetic materials such as Dacron. Also, find products that can be repeatedly washed at temperatures above 130 degrees to eradicate the dust mites.
According to the CDC, people with asthma often exhibit an allergic reaction to mold at homes. These microorganisms proliferate indoors when household conditions are damp and humid. One way to address indoor air quality and prevent the spread of mold spores is to utilize an effective air filtration system. The USEPA recommends a high-efficiency particulate air filter to prevent allergens from spreading. Changing air filters every month also helps. The environmental protection agency also recommends checking the home’s HVAC system to ensure there are no water or air leaks that could potentially draw in pollutants or harbor mold spores.
Asthma, as a public health concern, accumulates an annual economic cost of more than $56 billion from medical expenses as well as lost school and work days, according to the CDC. Aside from addressing the condition through a health management plan, implementing environmental management controls could address the issue at home and prevent an episode from occurring.
If you need help getting your home clean to help a family member affected by asthma, get in touch for a free estimate.